vrijdag 22 februari 2008

a better world through sesame street

Many of us learned at a young age in front of the telly how useful it is to co-operate.
Some of us actually learned how to do that in real life!

Here are a few organisations that could win the Sesame Street Award of Worldwide Co-operation:

whether it is global pollution, the regime in Burma, or the board of the World Bank, Avaaz gets as many world citizens as they can reach (and they can!) to unite their opinion through the internet, to influence important decisions that consider the future of all of us.
It doesn't cost money, it hardly takes time - join them and let your voice be heard!

Amnesty International
years ago, it took ages copying letters by hand, to tell regimes of far away countries that you are personally aware they keep this and that individual prisoned for no other reason than their political opinion. Now, it only takes the 'reply' and the 'send' button to add your name to a pre-written eloquent letter. after that, you receive a reply with some success story that gives hope for the case you just thought about too!
No money, no sweat, great influence

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